Project meeting held in Nicosia, Cyprus
The partners for the MedSecurance project held a project meeting on 18-19 April in Nicosia, Cyprus, hosted by partner European University of Cyprus. The meeting brought together the research and development partners, the industrial partners representing European medical device manufacturers, hospitals and remote patient care service providers, along with the industry associations that participate to the project to carry out the planning for the industrial evaluations that will commence in July 2024.
Research and development partners showcased for the industrial partners the key functionalities of the early prototypes of the tools that will comprise the new Security Assurance Automation Toolbox, which accelerates security analysis and mediation, while lowering certification costs of medical devices. The tools showcase will enable the industrial partners to organise and carry out their evaluations of the early prototypes over the summer, which will provide important feedback and guidance for the development teams as they proceed with completion of the fully featured, full prototype versions of the tools to be completed in 2025.
In between presentations and discussions, the partners had the opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art teching and laboratory facilities of the School of Medicine including the various networked medical devices commonly used in patient care settings.